Joseph (co-owner of Tree Riders NYC as well as actor, real estate investor, carpenter, horse trainer, husband and father) is a member of the Christmas Tree Farmers Association of New York (CTFANY). This past summer, he seized the opportunity to attend their annual convention. Why, you ask? Well, first of all, Joseph is an intelligent business person who cares to deeply understand the industry, inside and out. He’s proactive as all get-out and believes, as do I, that perpetual education is essential for both happiness and success (Growth Mindset for the win!). But I digress…
At the convention, Joe learned about many facets of the tree farming industry, from deer management to the use of cover crops to soil testing. He learned that New York tree farmers dedicate their lives (and often multiple generations!) to cultivating/experiencing/absorbing unique and invaluable information about trees, the land they grow on, and the industry they rely upon. And perhaps it goes without saying, but Joe also learned that the farming industry isn’t a bunch of young, eager entrepreneurs like ourselves. So – we’ve started thinking…
We’re tuned in and turned on.
We’re watching the industry and considering our goals.
We’re getting excited about possibilities.
We are Dreaming Big.
In the past couple of years, TRNYC has casually and playfully talked about buying our own tree farm. We envision relocating outside of the City, getting more in touch with Nature and the Earth, and establishing a community of like-minded people who care for trees and the environment as much as we do… And recently, we really started to let our imaginations run wild… In fact, this is when we get to say (with great confidence!) that it’s not a casual conversation anymore. No more joking around. We’re ready to take some big steps, and our visions are beginning to look more and more like a reality.
With that said, I will leave you (such a tease, I know!)… But there is SO much more to come! Please stay tuned, and remember to KEEP DREAMING! And keep in touch :). Follow us on Instagram, contact us and ask questions, share information with us and/or share our information with others.
We’ll be here FIR you!